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Monday, May 28, 2018

EU General Data Protection Regulation Notice - You may opt out of RST

(Italiano sotto)

Dear fans of Rome the Second Time,
As you may know, the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25, 2018, and this is our first notice to you since that date.
According to it, we need your approval to use your personal data (name and email address as you submitted it when you became a follower).
If you wish to continue receiving news of new posts from us, you needn't do a thing: this way you authorize us to keep you informed about Rome the Second Time posts.
We assure you that we'll continue to use your data (name and email address) exclusively for the purpose of notifying you as a follower, as we’ve always done. We have not, and will not, share your data with third parties.  We do, however, use Google Analytics.  For Google's privacy practices and use of data, see these links:  Google’s privacy practices and how Google uses data on partner sites.

If you wish to stop being a follower of RST, please let us know or do so yourself. 
Ciao da Roma, 

Dianne and Bill

Cari appassionati di Rome the Second Time,in linea con il ("GDPR") (General Data Protection Regulation), regolamento europeo iin materia di protezione dei dati personali (solamente il suo nome and la sua email), stiamo aggiornando la nostra mailing list of "followers."
Se volete continuare ad essere aggiornati sulle nuove posts da Rome the Second Time non è necessario fare nulla. In tal modo ci autorizzerete a tenervi informati sui nostri prossimi posts e i vostri dati personali continueranno a essere utilizzati esclusivamente per l'invio delle nostre e-mail. Non condivideremo i vostri dati personali con terze parti. Usiamo, nonostante, Google Analytics.  Per capire i privacy practices di Google e l'uso di data da Google, vedete questi links: Google’s privacy practices and how Google uses data on partner sites.
Se desiderate annullare l'iscrizione come un "follower", fateci sapere e facciamolo noi oppure fatelo da sola.
Grazie e cari saluti a tutti
Dianne e Bill

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